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Most downloads over all time
136621-136640 of all 180,717 gems.
136,6033,818betteryRuby toolkit for working with the Betterplace API.
136,6033,818benburkert-randexpLibrary for generating random strings.
136,6033,818camertron-rails-assets-codemirrorThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
136,6243,817rs_quicken_parserThis is a quick'n'dirty gem to parse Quicken QFX format.
136,6243,817rconioRConio is a wrapper for MS-DOS conio.h
136,6243,817bosh_job_dockerBuild a Docker container with all packages from a BOSH job
136,6243,817em-posix-spawnEventMachine-aware POSIX::Spawn::Child
136,6243,817edward-bioThis gem provides a command line tool that outputs a short version of Edward Ocampo-Goo...
136,6243,817slim_fastThe lightening speed diet plan that makes your URLs slimmer, faster.
136,6243,817wpgenA command line program for generating blank themes
136,6243,817aryllA simple library to check for the well-being of an URL
136,6243,817sanultari-commanderREPL representable command line tool framework. its goal is composable, gem distrib...
136,6243,817sidekiq-resque_statussidekiq-resque_status is a Sidekiq plugin that allows to see statuses of Sidekiq worker...
136,6243,817moviemanWrapper for sites/APIs that provide information about movies.
136,6243,817blythedunham-ar_test_runnerRun ActiveRecord core regression tests with your code/gem/plugin/module loaded
136,6243,817my_string_extend_rl_hgThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns size o...
136,6243,817rspec_normalized_hashSpecification of Normalized Hash data structure main goal is to make data produced by p...
136,6243,817nib-integrateintegreates specified docker-compose applications
136,6243,817adva_activityAdva Activity