Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
136481-136500 of all 181,049 gems.
136,4803,863next_busOuputs the time until the next bus
136,4803,863safety_patrol_padrinoA few helpers for SafetyPatrol and Pardino
136,4803,863bpfqleBPF query runner. Use Ruby DSL / yaml / or plane text
136,4803,863webpacker-react-on-railsUse Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
136,4803,863sync_enumeratorWhy is SyncEnumeraot in REXML?
136,4803,863webapp_raketasksMy web apps rake tasks
136,4803,863bcarlso-snapSinatra NAmed Path support
136,4803,863foreman_simplifyPlugin for Foreman that simplifies the UI
136,4803,863replitdbA gem to access Replit Databases.
136,4803,863healthyrHealthyr is a simple Ruby on Rails app performance monitor. It takes advantage of Activ...
136,4803,863task-orchestrator.gemspecSimple task orchestration framework driven by Yaml config files
136,4803,863rspec-instructureBehaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
136,4803,863pnap_audit_apiAudit Log API Ruby Gem
136,4803,863hanami-rodauthRoudauth wrapper for hanami apps
136,4803,863apiwhaA tiny ruby wrapper around apiwha whatsapp API (
136,4803,863from_gitAllows you to install gem from git repository"
136,4973,862benschwarz-webratWebrat. Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
136,4973,862yacc_shaveShaving yaccs
136,4973,862nuvemshopThis gem is a work in progress. If you like to contribute, please get in touch!
136,4973,862roverjoeRuby wrapper for the Hostelworld API