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Most downloads over all time
138301-138320 of all 180,488 gems.
138,2823,710strrand_regexGenerate a string with a regexp
138,2823,710secret_santa_chanduA simple logic for pairing people for santa surprise gift
138,2823,710otg-bitmapDead simple Ruby Bitmap implementation, used for flags etc...
138,2823,710bookletThis command converts PDFs to booklets.
138,2823,710rsvnGem to provide basic access to Subversion information (wraps Ruby SVN bindings).
138,2823,710mail_builder19MailBuilder is a simple library for building RFC compliant MIME emails.
138,2823,710gherkGherkin RSpec formatter for feature specs
138,2823,710errorhandlrLonger stealth mode ftw
138,2823,710krakend-openapi-importerImport endpoints from OpenAPI spec to KrakenD endpoint configuration. Supports OpenAPI ...
138,2823,710rooftop-algolia_searchSearch your Rooftop models using Algolia from your Ruby applications
138,2823,710cosmosc2-demoThis plugin adds the COSMOS demo configuration to a base COSMOS installation. Insta...
138,2823,710mericaUse real 'merican locations as fake data
138,2823,710kernauxBinding to libkernaux - auxiliary library for kernel development.
138,2823,710hola_iselldonutsA simple hello world gem
138,2823,710facebook_scraperSimply keep your OpenGraph-Objects up to date
138,3173,709cosmosc2-tool-baseThis plugin adds the COSMOS base user interface tool
138,3173,709mock_last_statusMocks the $? global variable in Ruby.
138,3173,709omniauth-reduUsing this Gem you'll be able to use Redu's oatuh2 provider.
138,3173,709newrelic-samgDoesn't do anything