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138361-138380 of all 180,488 gems.
138,3553,707mini_yamlYAML editor that preserves comments and formats YAML using opinionated rules
138,3553,707webdoceasy webapp documentation
138,3553,707npaNumbering Plan Area assignments for NANP (North American Numbering Plan)
138,3553,707delayed_job_mementoSave mementos of your delayed jobs and also set queue quotas.
138,3553,707ruboty-prOutput pull requests as markdown via Ruboty.
138,3553,707ezly_serializeInclude EzlySerialize in any object you wish to serialize. EzlySerialize provides a ser...
138,3553,707crawler-address-gouv-frThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
138,3553,707gabrielg-indicoGem for converting documents to plain text for indexing.
138,3553,707vagrant-route53Delete Route53 record associated to the EC2 node when destroying Vagrant VM using AWS p...
138,3553,707kvetchA Ruby logger that uses native Mac/Linux notifications.
138,3553,707under-os-coreThe core part of the UnderOs project
138,3553,707picobrew-apiProvides a library to access your Picobrew data
138,3553,707kitchen-marathonA Test Kitchen Driver for Marathon
138,3553,707brendanlim-memcache-clientA Ruby-based memcached client library
138,3553,707lorem_testlorem test description
138,3553,707funrunapplication runner for ruby functional tests
138,3553,707famalamFAMalam is a front end web interface for FAM
138,3553,707db_eventsTracking database commits for ActiveRecord
138,3553,707ca_virtexA gem with a full mapping of CA Virtex API
138,3803,706boost-dnz-clientRuby library for accessing Digital New Zealand's search API (