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138341-138360 of all 180,488 gems.
138,3353,708zalk_servicesRuby wrapper for internal Zalk services
138,3353,708crowsCrows is a micro framework-agnostic library for authorization in Ruby classes. A set of...
138,3353,708yfinRetrieves data from Yahoo! Finance
138,3353,708jiroCMS that intercept Rails ActionView Templates and allow changing them directly from Red...
138,3353,708oauth2_hmac_signGenerate and verify signatures for oauth v2 http mac authentication
138,3353,708east_asian_widthGet East Asian Width from a character.
138,3353,708caloriecalcFunctions avaiable: WHO, Harris Benedict and MifflinStJeor will return calore reqs...
138,3353,708mopperImport translations for Model from SCV file using Globalize3
138,3353,708qapiQuery library for various popular APIs.
138,3353,708surferThis is a Ruby-MVC Framework Which has all the necessary modules to build up a basic we...
138,3353,708rails-pagesA really simple rails engine, serving text files from app/pages as HTML (currently only...
138,3353,708render_to_parentrails 3.2 for respond to parent
138,3353,708kanalThanks to the core library, ecosystem of Kanal tools can be extendted to use with input...
138,3553,707simple-class-loaderSimpleClassLoader for JRuby
138,3553,707drawbridgePapi's Wife
138,3553,707tag_dogThis friendly dog gives you tags in your rails app.
138,3553,707chinese_truncatehelper method for truncate chinese string. 1 chinese word = 2 byte.
138,3553,707rivalryThe (fast!) duplicate file finder for Ruby! Supports media file and ignoring SCM direct...
138,3553,707corey-frameworkA gem for css framework