Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
138961-138980 of all 180,599 gems.
138,9523,691jekyll-struggleA simple, sleek and modern Jekyll blog theme.
138,9523,691multi_factor_authA ruby library for generating one time passwords and QR Codes
138,9523,691potSoftware provisioning tool based on sprinkle
138,9523,691fastlane-plugin-plural_converterConvert Android plural XML resource file to iOS stringsdict file.
138,9523,691activeexportExport your Ruby Object
138,9523,691cdddnContent Delivery & Device Detection Network (CDDDN) is a rails engine that provides...
138,9523,691payload-translatorUse configuration to transform a payload to another payload
138,9523,691cough-syrupRuby CoughSyrup is a bridge to the JS CoughSyrup transpiler.
138,9523,691image_cropperThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
138,9703,690ticking_awayIRC Chat Bot for time shenanigans
138,9703,690teslacam-mergeCombine TeslaCam videos into a single output video. Allows you to set the output v...
138,9703,690test_dotsMonitor the performance of your test suite
138,9703,690json_sortedEnsure sorting of keys in JSON generated from Hash objects
138,9703,690matts_palindrometest deploy
138,9703,690raise_rouletteA simulation of adventuretimes in softwareland
138,9703,690rnRails validations for Belgian Government Registration Numbers (Rijksregisternummer)
138,9703,690pdf-structPDF::Extractor is a library that provides high level access to the text objects of a PD...
138,9703,690cbdr-logfmtrfor formatting logs in logfmt
138,9703,690terminal_playerTerminal player is a minimalistic terminal-based player for,, and Spot...