Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180581-180600 of all 180,709 gems.
180,577163system_commandRun external process as if they were functions.
180,582162telegram_simple_messengerSimple and easy
180,582162fog-openstack-forkOpenStack fog provider gem.
180,582162seller_ledger-rubyRuby wrapper for interacting with the Seller Ledger API
180,582162mistralYou can use the Mistral Ruby client to interact with the Mistral AI API.
180,582162vietnamese_numberThe library provides methods to convert numbers into Vietnamese.
180,582162slashcodeslashcode: The language based on the slash
180,582162active_admin_nested_formsGem that overrides normal active admin nested forms behaviour.
180,582162laterboxA transactional outbox implementation for event publishing in Ruby.
180,582162mytestdslA simple hello world gem
180,582162muraena-botThe Muræna Bot
180,592161clamoJSON-RPC Client/Server tooling for Ruby
180,592161minibidiMini WebDriver BiDi binding for Ruby
180,592161minitest-smartdiffDiff between expected and actual with GPT
180,595160association_objectDefine ActiveRecord associations through association objects, which can implement custo...
180,595160sports_apiSports API gem to get data from diverse sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, etc.
180,595160holatestoneA simple heeello world gem. Hey
180,595160mosaikToolkit for converting monolithic applications into modular, service-oriented architect...
180,595160async_pipelineDefine a pipeline of async tasks and their starting conditions
180,595160dradis-penteraThis add-on allows you to upload and parse pentera reports