Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180561-180580 of all 180,709 gems.
180,552166regorusrbplaceholder reserving namespace
180,552166standard-procedure-plumbingAn event pipeline
180,552166indian_num_to_wordsUse the indian_num_to_words gem to convert numbers to words in Indian Format
180,552166raix-railsRuby AI eXtensions for Rails
180,552166s3xScrape public AWS S3 buckets with ease.
180,566165minitest-verifyA minitest plugin to prevent false positive tests.
180,566165xano_api_gemA Ruby gem for interacting with the Xano API. Provides a client for making requests to ...
180,566165rostelecom_m2mRostelecom M2M
180,566165giasA Ruby gem that provides an interface to the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) CSV d...
180,566165sdksio-apimatic-sdkthe package contains the SDKS for all the endpoints available on : https://docs.apimati...
180,566165tally_jobsCollect all params of the same jobs within an interval time then enqueue that job only ...
180,572164muraena-apiThe Muræna API
180,572164release_stageA small gem for checking whether you're on staging, production etc.
180,572164studio_game_bswiftThis is a game gem from the Pragmatic Studio Ruby Course
180,572164jekyll-asset-path-tag-pluginIt's... mesmerizing.
180,572164embulk-input-trino-jdbcTrino JDBC input plugin for Embulk loads records from Trino
180,577163yard-rails-pluginYARD plugin to document a Rails project
180,577163base64_encoder_decoderThis gem provides methods for encoding and decoding Base64 data in Ruby.
180,577163chime-asset-refsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,577163studio_game_eduGame created in Pragmatic Studio Ruby Class