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139341-139360 of all 180,507 gems.
139,3403,662QuadraticEquation_MSQuadratic Equation solution, pass the 3 values a, b, c and results pass back as an array
139,3403,662object_expectCheck if an object is not null, and raise an exception if it is
139,3403,662reddinga gem
139,3403,662trumpyTrump's Faker gem
139,3403,662jiffy_enumsEasy way to add enums
139,3403,662synculus-blogSynculus Blog Rails Engine
139,3403,662pexels_api_clientUsing this gem allows you to make requests to the Pexels API endpoints.
139,3403,662tic_tac_totally_employablea gem that plays tic tac toe
139,3403,662test_string_operationtesting string operation
139,3403,662easy_aspectsProvides a way to design and implement application aspects, through isolated modules
139,3403,662cts-mpx-acimpx account continuous integration driver.
139,3403,662blue_cross_petsDisplays all the available dogs/cats listed on the Blue Cross UK website. This is my fi...
139,3403,662Widget2Widget 2 gem
139,3403,662country_codeNow you can find the country code by country name. There are lots of gem available but ...
139,3403,662wakHost rack apps in development using ngnix
139,3403,662new-ageHandling the input and output of people's ages in years and months
139,3403,662wires-icalendarWires extension gem for integration with icalendar events.
139,3403,662cloveCreates very simple Ruby projects not intended to be gems, but just to be well-design...
139,3403,662rms_flicksThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course,...
139,3403,662mrjenkinsLightweight client utility to send Jenkins job status to a Slack Channel.