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141101-141120 of all 180,709 gems.
141,0953,602simditor_aliyun_railsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
141,0953,602taggunRuby gem for the Taggun receipt OCR-Engine
141,0953,602erlectricity-funboxA library to interface erlang and ruby through the erlang port system
141,0953,602dj_uniqueAn armour for delayed_job_active_record to ensure no duplicate jobs are enqueued
141,0953,602omniauth-smailexAn OmniAuth strategy for Smailex
141,0953,602timestamp_super_functionsCreate scopes, get, set functions for timestamps as boolean.
141,0953,602leaflyapiget strains and strain details from
141,0953,602pptx2mediasExtracts media files (images, videos, sounds) from a PPTX file.
141,0953,602knowageA simple calculation of age gem.
141,0953,602simple_converterA ruby gem to make units conversion
141,1123,601dwightWrite a longer description. Optional.
141,1123,601project3v3Full description here
141,1123,601thor-treeA thor extension for generating directory structures from file trees defined in YAML
141,1123,601gql_clientGraphQl Client gem to make requests using Graph Query Language
141,1123,601eltex-lteThis gem aims to provide transport-flexible functionality, for easy communication with ...
141,1123,601imc_xitarpsCalculo do IMC
141,1123,601ruby-grepenhaced grep program: higlights matches & filenames, shows line numbers
141,1123,601tota11y-railsAn accessibility (a11y) visualization toolkit
141,1123,601pridget pull request id on current branch