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Most downloads over all time
141121-141140 of all 180,702 gems.
141,1193,599voteable-joeA voting gem
141,1193,599gql_clientGraphQl Client gem to make requests using Graph Query Language
141,1193,599eltex-lteThis gem aims to provide transport-flexible functionality, for easy communication with ...
141,1193,599imc_xitarpsCalculo do IMC
141,1193,599ruby-billsafeRuby wrapper for the BillSAFE API
141,1193,599comboy-cached_recordmemcached caching for active record
141,1193,599rpdfZapPdf Client for Ruby with interface on WsZapPdf
141,1193,599omniauth-imagerelayOmniAuth strategy for Image Relay.
141,1193,599ellen-weatherAn ellen handler to weather from livedoor API
141,1193,599mongo_mapper-readonly_attributesAdds a `readonly_attributes` class method to mongo_mapper models.
141,1193,599hash_attributesUse an ActiveRecord Hash column as backend for dynamic attributes. Dynamic attributes w...
141,1193,599undo-wrapperObserves changes and stores object state before the change
141,1193,599sentiment_parserDetermines a simple sentiment score for a given text
141,1193,599textmarketerA ruby wrapper for TextMarketer API.
141,1193,599url-analyzerRetrieve unique identifier information from common websites, such as YouTube, Blogspot,...
141,1193,599mappable_object_attributesUsing the power of Hashie::Mash to define how a record consumes external data into defi...
141,1193,599v1gittoolsTool(s) to integrate the VersionOne project managemente system with git/github develope...
141,1193,599infinum_azureAuthentication mechanism for Rails apps with devise via OAuth2
141,1193,599psoParticle Swarm Optimization
141,1193,599drewolson-defmacroMacros for ruby