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Most downloads over all time
141141-141160 of all 180,616 gems.
141,1243,591compass-svg-spriteCompass plugin to make svg sprite. This plugin concats all icon from folder into one sp...
141,1243,591optics_view_componentsViewComponents for the Optics Design System
141,1243,591gnuside-aloha-railsSeamlessly integrates Aloha Editor into the Rails 3.2 (and upper) asset pipeline.
141,1243,591memory_leak_finderA simple gem to find memory leaks
141,1243,591cho45-futureasync library
141,1243,591no-regretsVisual regression testing for Capybara specs
141,1243,591cdb-MongrelClusterRollingRestartMongrel Cluster Rolling Restart allows for a mongrel cluster to be restarted in a rolli...
141,1243,591embulk-parser-fluent-s3-logParses Fluent S3 Log files read by other file input plugins.
141,1493,590sinatra-whoamiSinatra extension to give routes their own path
141,1493,590em-smtpAn easy smtp eventmachine wrapper for activemailer.
141,1493,590chrislloyd-nginx-configEasily generate and maintain a complex nginx config file.
141,1493,590secp256k1A Ruby Gem wrapper for libsecp256k1 by Peter Wiulle
141,1493,590capistrano-rails-subdirCapistrano tasks for deploying one or more Ruby on Rails apps from within subdirectorie...
141,1493,590nanoboxifiera longer description or delete this line.
141,1493,590trinidad_generic_bonecp_extensionAddon to support generic bonecp database pools in Trinidad
141,1493,590ubeaUnified Bitcoin Exchange API
141,1493,590hts6Complete hts basic 6
141,1493,590lmarinl1-rubycalcAn calculator implementation of a basic calculator on ruby
141,1493,590newsbingbing search api gem compatible with recent microsoft azure migration. Find wi...
141,1493,590rubymojiHandy methods to make emoji