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Most downloads over all time
141581-141600 of all 180,543 gems.
141,5753,565wordsearch-puzzleGenerates word-search puzzles and emits them to PDF. Customizable.
141,5753,565minitest_vcrI like MiniTest. I like VCR. I like not having to manage cassetes.
141,5753,565cwninja-facebooker== DESCRIPTION: Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[] {R...
141,5753,565roman_converterRoman Converter converts a roman numeral to an english / modern number. Making sure all...
141,5753,565darkhelmet-ec2-objectsObject Oriented wrapper around the EC2 gem
141,5753,565edit_in_placeedit_in_place is a gem that allows the creation of user interfaces that allow the user ...
141,5753,565transmutea framework for writing functional helpers in ruby
141,5753,565mattbauer-verticaA Ruby interface to Vertica
141,5753,565computer_please_do_you_happen_to_know_the_time_please_thank_you_meowAliases .computer_please_do_you_happen_to_know_the_time_please_thank_you_meow to .now, ...
141,5753,565meaganewaller_holaA simple hello world gem
141,5753,565planefinderFind airplanes for sale and their approximate locations
141,5753,565motion-assertWrite assert in rubymotion
141,5753,565stardust_zhublikVideo & Coffee
141,5753,565riak-yz-queryArel-style queries for Riak Yokozuna
141,5753,565fast-fourierAn implementation of the Cooley-Tukey algorithm for the Discrete Fourier Transform
141,5973,564anjun-mygemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
141,5973,564runtime_configA middleware to change configuration parameters at runtime for Rails 5
141,5973,564raskelSee README of the repo for more This version is just a placeholder. Building it righ...
141,5973,564wasabi_with_adapterA simple WSDL parser