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141661-141680 of all 180,434 gems.
141,6593,548datatables_serverDatatablesServer will receive a number of variables from a Datatables client and it w...
141,6593,548geocodableGeocodable is a UK geocoding service using Open Data
141,6593,548davetron5000-rtmclient to access the Remember The Milk API
141,6593,548number_to_loveA wrapper around number_to_human
141,6593,548guardianscraperScrapes Guardian articles.
141,6593,548mzsanford-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
141,6593,548onering-report-mysqlPlugin for information about MySQL via the Onering client utility
141,6593,548cloudflock-qtGraphical frontend for CloudFlock in Qt
141,6593,548rails_angularui_bootstrapAutomatically include default templates in angularui bootstrap
141,6593,548geolocateA library to return information about a given IP (currently using
141,6593,548reapmotionA thin Ruby wrapper around Java LeapMotion API
141,6593,548form_translationInclude fields for multiple languages in your forms.
141,6593,548argonuts-rubyOfficial client library to the Argonuts API (
141,6593,548collectiveidea-tinderAn API for interfacing with Campfire, the 37Signals chat application.
141,6593,548kirin_httpSimple Wrapper over net/http for simpler HTTP interface
141,6593,548chef-concealAdds the decrypt helper method to the chef DSL to allow the use of encrypted attributes.
141,6593,548avgbmAdds Benchmark.avgbm method, that discards highest/lowest times and averages the remain...
141,6593,548decisiv-is_msfte_searchableAdds named scopes for full text searching with Microsoft SQL Server
141,6593,548relate_iqRelateIQ API v2 wrapper
141,6593,548restrictableManage authorization restrictions on Ruby on Rails. Ideal for controlling actions of 2 ...