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141621-141640 of all 180,543 gems.
141,6193,563exceptiongemredirect users to correct pages during an exception such as routingerror...
141,6193,563gke-auth-plugin-rbThe gke-auth-plugin executable by @traviswt distributed as a Rubygem.
141,6193,563exibe_dadosGem utilizada para gerar documentos fakes pt-br
141,6193,563va_timetableUses Nokogiri for parsing classes from the Virgin Active website(s)
141,6193,563diffyc32Diffy with colour on the command-line.
141,6193,563pruebafinal"Clase para mostrar las proteinas, glucidos, lipidos y valor calorico de alimentos"
141,6193,563zlib-socsZLibs::Социализм Простая либа для работы с ресурсами социализма. Разбавляется методами ...
141,6193,563kirin_httpSimple Wrapper over net/http for simpler HTTP interface
141,6193,563make_secretCreate and/or save values created by SecureRandom.hex(64). Ideal for plain-text passwo...
141,6193,563dancroak-clearance-adminSimple admin function for Rails authentication.
141,6193,563ebeigarts-ri_calA new Ruby implementation of RFC2445 iCalendar. The existing Ruby iCalendar libraries ...
141,6193,563marathon-rubyNo dependencies other than standard library
141,6193,563gtfs-ormGTFS -> Ruby Object Mapper
141,6193,563string-stats-rpAdds analysis methods of word_count and more to the String class.
141,6193,563eod_data_clientEODData Web Service Client
141,6193,563skip-exception-notifyingAdds `skip_notifying!` method to exceptions, which disables exception_notifier for it
141,6193,563chef-provisioning-hanlonProvisioner for creating hanlon PXE policies and models with Chef Provisioning.
141,6193,563davidsmalley-eventmachineEventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...