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Most downloads over all time
142501-142520 of all 180,530 gems.
142,4893,525tom_bioThis gem tells you about me
142,4893,525efaturaefatura gem uses mechanize in order to login from the backend to efatura website to ret...
142,4893,525oktaviaYet another DevOps tool
142,4893,525voteable_tylerThe best voting gem ever.
142,4893,525yandex_directA Ruby interface to the Yandex Direct API.
142,4893,525alsoA tiny tool for running multiple processes concurrently
142,4893,525retinatorGenerates @1x, @2x and @3x images versions of an image for iOS projects
142,4893,525mattgillooly-grbA tool to simplify working with remote branches
142,4893,525piliteRubygem for sending commands to 'Pi-LITE' board through serial port communication
142,4893,525sb-loremFirst gem test
142,4893,525magic_linksManages the creation and use of 'magic' tokens. These can be used to provide authentica...
142,4893,525simple_xurrency_buntineA really easy interface to the Xurrency API. It's Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby compatible an...
142,4893,525capistrano-srvrServers tasks for Capistrano v3.*
142,4893,525book_trackerThis application allows a user to create an account that can be logged into and out of,...
142,4893,525dwaite-gdataThis gem provides a set of wrappers designed to make it easy to work with the Google D...
142,5163,524melody_objectSections and Threadsets
142,5163,524nov-stylusBridge library to compile .styl stylesheets from ruby code.
142,5163,524contacthrk-twitter_oauthtwitter_oauth is a Ruby library for talking to twitter using the new oauth method.
142,5163,524nakajima-dash-ciCI metrics for Dash.
142,5163,524datasizesProvides simple API for converting 'dd' like data amount postfixes (like 3M or 4G) to b...