Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
142561-142580 of all 180,507 gems.
142,5483,521duration_helpersDurationHelpers provides rails helpers for converting duration in H:M:S format to secon...
142,5483,521matrcGema que usará la funcion de una matriz para la representacion de matrices densas y dis...
142,5483,521duwanis-aideAide provides a DSL for quickly and easily building Jabber (XMPP) bots.
142,5483,521is_palindrome_deeThe library opens up the String class and checks if the string is a palindrome, retur...
142,5483,521sunnydayThe OpenWeatherMap service provides free weather data. This gem is a wrapper around the...
142,5483,521politreeA Ruby gem to generate a tree view of your HCL Vault policies files.
142,5483,521voteable_steven_huangThe best voting gem ever.
142,5483,521chef-provisioning-crowbarCrowbar is an open-source, multi-purpose node deployment tool.
142,5483,521dockmeisterOrchestrates several Docker-based applications into one.
142,5483,521svg_swap_railsRails gem for the SVG Swap jQuery plugin by teleject
142,5483,521vk-watchdogПростая утилита для мониторинга обновлений профилей ВК (обновлений друзей и инфы).
142,5483,521graceful_shutdownYou can use GracefulShutdown to catch signals and safely shutdown your program.
142,5483,521lh_string_thingstill useless
142,5483,521rbgaProviding an expressive DSL to illustrate genetic algorithm problems and sets of defaul...
142,5483,521ruby_testTesting suite for Ruby, allows to test for equality with nested examples
142,5773,520word_handlerprovide a WordHandler for dtp vm test
142,5773,520obtenirquery github api with their username and save response to file or database
142,5773,520excel2csv-binSimple command line interface to convert .xls or .xlsx files to .csv
142,5773,520djanowski-validate_optionsHash validation for 'options'-like methods.