Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
143601-143620 of all 180,681 gems.
143,5893,491voteable-eworxSupports voting with a Votes DB Table as a Voteable Polymorphic table
143,5893,491wordlelikeA small gem for drawing wordle style word clouds
143,5893,491graphql-smart_selectProvide logic for select only required fields from query
143,5893,491keyword_arg_timeTime or Date object constructer by keyword arguments
143,5893,491dogertConvert everday boring English into doge.
143,5893,491Flamefork-juggernautSee Plugin README:
143,6073,490omniauth-misocaThis is the OmniAuth strategy for authenticating to Misoca. To use it, you'll need to s...
143,6073,490robut-rouletteA roulette module for robut
143,6073,490omniauth-eachscape-oauth2An EachScape OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
143,6073,490rekognitionRuby wrapper of Rekognition Face Detection and Recognition API
143,6073,490tube_frameA gem to get video frame from a youtube or vimeo url.
143,6073,490sql_pluckProvide #pluck_by_sql for Rails ActiveRecord models
143,6073,490opentx-logRead and interpret OpenTx telemetry log files.
143,6073,490reckAn exception-based web framework for Ruby.
143,6073,490tamauditAudit activerecord models like a boss
143,6073,490rufus-lua-winProvides Lua binary on Windows
143,6073,490sequel-keyset_paginationAdds support to Sequel for easy cursor based pagination on datasets
143,6073,490doomy_clientA Ruby wrapper for the Tumblr v2 API
143,6073,490hola_a1617nsA simple hello world gem
143,6073,490html-pipeline-bootstrapbootstrap for html-pipeline