Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
143621-143640 of all 180,681 gems.
143,6073,490jekyll-asciimathAsciiMath plugin for Jekyll
143,6073,490showmdAn executable to preview markdown in your browser
143,6073,490qodex-railsIntercept your rails application to power AI copilot.
143,6073,490csv_plus_plusA programming language built on top of CSV. You can define functions and variables to ...
143,6073,490hpackRuby implementation of the HPACK (Header Compression for HTTP/2) standard available at ...
143,6073,490mongoid_paging_tokenAn extension the generates a serialized Mongoid::Criteria for use as a paging token
143,6073,490Floppy-rubymarksA Ruby gem (and Rails plugin) which generates URLs for social bookmarking services
143,6293,489ssc.nobSubspace Continuum Nob (Noble One Bot). Simple chat-log-reading bot in JRuby.
143,6293,489simple-versionSimple, well-tested library to parse or create version strings
143,6293,489user_info_normalizernormalize user's information form such as zip_code, address...
143,6293,489url2thumbRuby thumbnail generator
143,6293,489quayautomation for docker dev environments
143,6293,489sparklecastSparklecast helps you to create and modify Sparkle's appcast files.
143,6293,489egze-twitterwrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)
143,6293,489girrequireHooks into require to allow directly requiring gobject libraries via GIR files and gir_...
143,6293,489torchrbTorch wrapper for ruby
143,6293,489simple_pinA simple gem for creating customers and charges using pin-payments ( API
143,6293,489reddit_autoThis gem uses watir and selenium to automate almost all reddit features using a headles...
143,6293,489my_first_ybf_gemjust is test gem