Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
143561-143580 of all 180,530 gems.
143,5553,480nowlinNowlin creates simple tags for your Rails app.
143,5553,480git-extrasA bunch of git utility scripts.
143,5553,480mongoid-query_cacheBackport of the Mongoid 4 QueryCache for Mongoid 3.
143,5553,480girrequireHooks into require to allow directly requiring gobject libraries via GIR files and gir_...
143,5553,480simple_pinA simple gem for creating customers and charges using pin-payments ( API
143,5553,480georgi-rack_davWebDAV handler for Rack
143,5553,480matebundleBundle Manager for TextMate 2
143,5553,480mongoid_paging_tokenAn extension the generates a serialized Mongoid::Criteria for use as a paging token
143,5553,480dogertConvert everday boring English into doge.
143,5703,479devver-germinate-gistA Germinate plugin for publishing source code to the Gist service (http://gist.github.c...
143,5703,479doc_rocketLong Description
143,5703,479soaHelps you migrate from monolithic Ruby to services
143,5703,479vigaTest harness API endpoints
143,5703,479hockeylogAggregate multiple hockeyapp notes into a single changelog.
143,5703,479quayautomation for docker dev environments
143,5703,479ny_baseball_headlines"NY Baseball Headlines"
143,5703,479sitesAdd support for hosting websites to your Rails app.
143,5703,479resubyResuby generates an HTML and CSS resume that you can access with your browser. You ...
143,5703,479base_jumpJump start your application by base jumping your app
143,5703,479jumble_solverIt can be used for solving jumble word puzzles