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144161-144180 of all 180,530 gems.
144,1543,455yamlrYamlr is a minimal YAML parser written in Ruby.
144,1543,455frolic-redhillonrails_coreRedHill on Rails Core is a plugin that features to support other RedHill on Rails plugi...
144,1543,455fourohfourThe greatest great that ever greated: the 404 page
144,1543,455redis-dequeAdds Redis::Deque class which can be used as Distributed-Deque based on Redis. Redi...
144,1543,455johnernsthausen_palindromeExperimenting with gem writing, cut a ruby palindrome gem
144,1543,455vagrant-json-pluginWrite a longer description or delete this line.
144,1543,455ssh_broLoad SSH config from a Google Doc.
144,1543,455provider-testingThis framework uses Ruby, Rake and a local instance of the SFCB CIMOM to run tests agai...
144,1543,455capistrano_figManage fig on servers using Capistrano
144,1543,455readable-cppThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
144,1543,455roman_numeralsConverts Roman numerals into integers
144,1543,455rs_api-rubyA powerful, yet simple ruby library for RuneScape.
144,1543,455opal-activerecordThis implements a subset of the rails/activerecord. It currentl...
144,1543,455sass-rails3Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
144,1753,454studio_game_peterpiperThis program is a game written for the Ruby course at Excellent co...
144,1753,454modai_prct12Simply generates modai_prct12 ipsum text.
144,1753,454uhoh1Example scaffold using engine
144,1753,454qiniu-policyAuthorization library used to generate upload/download tokens of Qiniu Cloud Storage.
144,1753,454flowjobFlow/Context/Action ruby gem
144,1753,454string_formatted_dateFormatted Date allows you to use comfortable string arguments to format your dates.