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144181-144200 of all 180,530 gems.
144,1753,454typesafe-config-jarsTypesafe Config JARs from
144,1753,454glowwormGlowworm queries and caches feature flags from a central REST server, while balancing q...
144,1753,454stacksFancy redis-backed caches
144,1753,454team_fakerGenerates fake team names
144,1753,454the_southEverything you love about the South in Ruby gem form!
144,1753,454caleidenticonCaleidenticon is a customizable generator for caleidoscope-like identicons.
144,1753,454csv_managerImport and export a CSV file in a very easy and simple way
144,1753,454Hoodow-mysql-rubyThis is the MySQL API module for Ruby. It provides the same functions for Ruby programs...
144,1753,454blal_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
144,1753,454willcannings-ebbA Web Server
144,1753,454simple_spellerFix spelling mistakes based on YANDEX Speller API.
144,1753,454persistent-shell-historyThis is a quick job, to have a local database, to collect _all_ commands from ~/.bash_h...
144,1753,454flori-bullshitBenchmarking is Bullshit
144,1753,454sort_bytesSorts lines by human-readable byte size (like the output of `du -h`)
144,1753,454lita-morinShows a Super Normal quote from Dave Morin when you mention him.
144,1753,454smartfileEasily use the SmartFile APIs within your ruby or rails project.
144,1983,453anc-jekyll-themesummary, because Rubygems requires one
144,1983,453microsoft-sentinel-log-analytics-logstash-output-pluginMicrosoft Sentinel provides a new output plugin for Logstash. Use this output plugin to...
144,1983,453jmacaddrhotfix for