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Most downloads over all time
144981-145000 of all 180,530 gems.
144,9673,423technoweenie-rest-clientA simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifyi...
144,9673,423webget-hash_rolldownhash_roldown: a method to aggregate hash values by key, e.g. to calculate subtotals
144,9673,423docksyncRsync files from your macosx machine to the docker container
144,9673,423remote_syslog_sender_msMessage sender that sends directly to a remote syslog endpoint (Support UDP, TCP, TCP+TLS)
144,9673,423motion_screenshotRubymotion gem to create screenshots
144,9673,423dailyrepThis is Ruby App collects the information you need (currency, new torrents, etc) from v...
144,9673,423aliyun-oss-ruby-sdkA Ruby program to facilitate accessing Aliyun Object Storage Service
144,9673,423pailWhen using a read-only file-system, it makes sense to upload assests directly to cloud ...
144,9673,423ruby_uml_classCreate a Ruby UML class diagram with PlangUml.
144,9673,423fractious-http_status_exceptionsClean up your controller code by raising exceptions that generate responses with differ...
144,9673,423karasiThe tool for designers, HTML coders to statically render any templates.
144,9673,423transliteReplaces non-ASCII characters with an ASCII approximation.
144,9673,423hola_dancbJust another simple hello world gem!
144,9673,423voteable_ajjonezA voting gem for gotealeaf courses.
144,9673,423omniauth-steamv2Steam strategy for OmniAuth.
144,9963,422nesta-plugin-taggrAdds support for 'tags' metadata.
144,9963,422sluggable_davidTealeaf homework
144,9963,422UnderpantsGnome-autotest-growlThis gem aims to improve support for Growl notification by ZenTest's autotest. It comes...
144,9963,422joddEscapes carriage returns, and single and double quotes.
144,9963,422fotonauts-bunnyAnother synchronous Ruby AMQP client