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Most downloads over all time
145381-145400 of all 180,554 gems.
145,3743,410tempconverterConverts temperature from either Kelvin, Fahrenheight or Celsius to any one of those 3
145,3743,410nukeFeature uploader for nuker
145,3743,410visfleet-default_loggingVery simple wrapper around TwP's Logging framework to provide sensible default behaviour
145,3743,410ruby_moneyMake operations and exchange between existent currencies using Money objects.
145,3743,410tocbotA gem for automatically generating a table of contents in a markdown file.
145,3743,410wbzyl-rack-mathThis gem contains four modular Rack applications: Pi, Euler, Sqrt2, Phi (golden ratio)....
145,3743,410wvanbergen-clieopThis library is a pure Ruby, MIT licensed implementation of the CLIEOP03 transaction fo...
145,3743,410patadaSimple asynchronous, block-based, task handling for simple tasks
145,3743,410lysenko_kottans_rackGem contains hw3
145,3743,410upshotActiveRecord query execution tracing over UDP
145,3743,410http_urlA simple and lightweight library to work with http urls.
145,3743,410omniauth-gabOmniauth provider for Gab Oauth2
145,3743,410bonzai-provisioner-object-graph-gemIncludes all Bonzai Provisioner models
145,3743,410omniauth-octobatOctobat OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth 1.0.
145,3743,410ruby-blocky-image-viewerDisplay images on the commandline using blocks of color with true color support
145,3743,410nsda_qa_searchThis application allow users to search questions and answers in console mode, no more b...
145,3743,410fstrozzi-GmapRuby Class to manage Gmap output
145,3743,410rang_railsrang give sexy KISS to your angular files
145,3743,410pract09Gema para gestionar distintos tipos de matrices
145,3743,410yaroslav-yandex_inflectYandex.Inflect webservice client (Russian language inflection)