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Most downloads over all time
145781-145800 of all 180,488 gems.
145,7593,389yaml_notifiersave exceptions in yaml when exception_notification occur
145,7593,389chalk-ipChalk::IP contains a few utilities for manipulating IPAddr objects that really ough...
145,7593,389wvanbergen-rspec_form_matcherThe RSpec form matcher will check a string to see whether a specified form exists with ...
145,7843,388git_grabA wrapper for a small Git integration to grab files from GitHub.
145,7843,388jamescallmebrent-earwormEarworm can identify unknown music using MusicDNS and libofa.
145,7843,388http_helpFind HTTP status codes from the command line
145,7843,388filemagick-signaturesThis module contains the signatures for use either independently or via the `filemagick...
145,7843,388isitfreeThis is a silly gem that is used to check if a gem name is free on
145,7843,388rubyvisionRead and transform images
145,7843,388tenzingInclude code that is used in most projects, such as OAuth2 identification or language c...
145,7843,388helllloA simple hello world gem
145,7843,388heedley-dm-is-paginatedFork of Lori Holden's simple pagination plugin for DataMapper
145,7843,388vici-exchange-ratesA Simple and Rich for Exchange Rates
145,7843,388simple_crawlerSimple web crawler to crawl a domain and generate sitemap
145,7843,388noob_serverWeb server made for newbs by newbs.
145,7843,388nerd_townQuick and dirty WoW community API Wrapper
145,7843,388tamaiInput postal code in Japan and you can get a nearest station. / 日本の郵便番号を入れると最寄駅を返す。 / 某...
145,7843,388tupacA Ruby implementation of 2pac time.
145,7843,388wwood-rsrubyRSRuby is a bridge library for Ruby giving Ruby developers access to the full R statist...
145,7843,388opener-pos-tagger-itPOS tagging for italian