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145741-145760 of all 180,477 gems.
145,7313,390spree_add_to_cart_ajaxAdd item to cart with using AJAX
145,7313,390ez-rsponsive-tableIf you need a EASY way to Responsive your table, you can give ezRtable a shot
145,7313,390lipsttyckA library for formatting terminal output using a simplified markup.
145,7313,390active_statusDescription of RailsStatusCheck.
145,7313,390syachickya stock price printer for all syachikus
145,7313,390dmailCommand-line email client
145,7313,390risemlThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
145,7313,390omniauth-yextOmniauth strategy for Yext
145,7313,390opensuse_theme_chameleon-railsChameleon theme JavaScript, CSS, and image files packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipe...
145,7313,390foreman_deploymentsA plugin adding Multi-Host Deployment support into the Foreman.
145,7313,390pretty_migrationsRecreate your Rails migrations from the schema
145,7313,390savon_with_adapterHeavy metal SOAP client that can accept adapter option
145,7313,390sashite-cghRuby implementation of Canonical Gameplay Hash coding.
145,7543,389spermSperm is a random permutations generator based on the ideas of group theory that allows...
145,7543,389romanizeA simple gem to turn numbers into roman numerals
145,7543,389http_headers-content_typeUtility to parse and sort the "Content-Type" HTTP Header
145,7543,389shiny-generatorEasy scraping and visualizing with R Shiny
145,7543,389tty2-readerA set of methods for processing keyboard input in character, line and multiline modes. ...
145,7543,389easemob-apieasemob rest api
145,7543,389grosser-reduceReduce your assets: minify javascript + stylesheets, optimize images lossless