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145761-145780 of all 180,477 gems.
145,7543,389feedly2fastladderBridge for converting to the Web API response of Fast ladder from Feedly cloud.
145,7543,389ughUgh provides infrastructure for attributed error messages and for (re)attributing these...
145,7543,389freels-mongrel_proctitleThe mongrel_proctitle Gem
145,7543,389fun_nmaxFinds numbers in a text.
145,7543,389winton-secret_keyProvides an accessor for a secret key stored in tmp
145,7543,389ya_metrikaRuby gem for API Yandex Metrika
145,7543,389hayeah-RantRuby Imperative Random Data Generator and Quickcheck
145,7543,389csv_optionRuby gem for determing CSV options.
145,7543,389mame-prettytraceprettytrace detects and omits repetition of backtrace, which makes backtrace shorter an...
145,7543,389rees46_spreeREES46 plugin for Spree
145,7543,389emailvalidationRuby Library for the mailboxlayer API, a web service that email validation & verifi...
145,7543,389my_name_is_reekAnd it rhymes with...
145,7543,389studio_game_jasonPragmatic Studio Online Interactive Ruby Game ------------------ Jason Mahony
145,7543,389klientExperimental REST API client library.
145,7543,389yaml_notifiersave exceptions in yaml when exception_notification occur
145,7543,389wvanbergen-rspec_form_matcherThe RSpec form matcher will check a string to see whether a specified form exists with ...
145,7773,388nerd_townQuick and dirty WoW community API Wrapper
145,7773,388git_grabA wrapper for a small Git integration to grab files from GitHub.
145,7773,388rqrcode_png_with_fixesGlues rQRCode together with chunky_png
145,7773,388jamescallmebrent-earwormEarworm can identify unknown music using MusicDNS and libofa.