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Most downloads over all time
146161-146180 of all 180,518 gems.
146,1473,376retrieval_lite_railsGenerator for TF-IDF Document Retrieval in Rails apps using the lightweight RetrievalLi...
146,1473,376jscalla library for executing JavaScript code on node.js or a web browser
146,1473,376rockstar-rubyRockstar-Ruby transpiler gem
146,1473,376rubyplatCyberplat wrapper
146,1473,376chardown_fieldExtend your Rails forms with character countdown fields easy with just setting validati...
146,1473,376bulldoze_renamerA command line tool to bulk rename classes and variables in ruby projects
146,1473,376voteable_shankar_oct2014The best voting gem for beginers
146,1473,376visionmedia-cssStylesheet task automation such as realtime editing
146,1473,376gordoncww-godGod is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
146,1473,376remindmetoA simple Ruby client for ubuntu notification reminders
146,1473,376yazu-girlGrep Intelligently Rails Log
146,1473,376gohanlon-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for Active...
146,1473,376simple_paymentPayment library seeking to make payment interactions simple and reusable.
146,1473,376derritanother reddit api client, bare to the bones
146,1473,376jameskilton-riceRice is a C++ interface to Ruby's C API. It provides a type-safe and exception-safe in...
146,1773,375tallyableA Proof of concept.
146,1773,375statistic_cool"cool statistic "
146,1773,375yhara-moneyrailHousehold account book, written in Rails
146,1773,375ohnoesOhnoes is a gem to report frontend errors using your existing backend error reporting.