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Most downloads over all time
146201-146220 of all 180,434 gems.
146,2013,364lulzChanges english words to Doge language. For the lulz.
146,2013,364thruPipe a string through a shell command.
146,2013,364bad_ideaThis is a bad idea.
146,2013,364shellacrbA simple caching proxy, like Varnish, but...not. And written in Ruby.
146,2013,364kneescraperA simple HTML scraper that uses Faraday and Nokogiri
146,2013,364double_or_nothingFigure out the exact date that somebody is twice your age.
146,2013,364chicago_librariesAllows you to access the City of Chicago public API from ruby.
146,2013,364ruboty-tryrubyEvaluate one line of Ruby script.
146,2013,364yanluowangA gem validating JSON given instructions on types an content of each key.
146,2013,364spacejamCheck on the status of a website
146,2013,364rockstar-rubyRockstar-Ruby transpiler gem
146,2013,364snapchatWrite a longer description. Optional.
146,2013,364lita-onewheel-jiraJIRA in-channel link generator
146,2013,364phenomeDownload mouse phenome data from
146,2013,364reddit-to-telegramThis gem makes simple reddit-to-telegram ruby bots easy to create
146,2013,364reusingReusing makes it possible to use refinements without all the boiler plate normally nece...
146,2013,364cocoapods-ezpluginA CocoaPods plugin to reduce effort executing local plugin code in a project
146,2013,364zetaben-ruby-feedbooksruby-feedbooks is a dead simple ruby interface to
146,2013,364zzYet another web frameworks.