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Most downloads over all time
147461-147480 of all 180,530 gems.
147,4333,329jugyo-gitkiGitki is a wiki using git to store data.
147,4333,329kdmny-spreepatch gem for rails 2.3.2 support
147,4333,329IronDigital-zippyZippy reads and writes zip files
147,4643,328maxirmx_test_gemRuby interface to pngcheck.
147,4643,328imgur_directTakes any imgur url and returns direct links to images within the link
147,4643,328jmhodges-murmur_hash* A ruby extension for the MurmurHash2 functions. See
147,4643,328xcconfigAn xcconfig management tool
147,4643,328rails_decorate_factoryThis gem provides functions to render complex information on Rails applications.
147,4643,328vektraAccess the Vektra services via Ruby
147,4643,328arsenicoriginally forked from Palkan.
147,4643,328maiha-rows_loggerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,4643,328metro_ui_railsMetro UI for rails.
147,4643,328dag_wereldEen gem om de wereld te groeten.
147,4643,328manalang-warbler= Warbler
147,4643,328lawrencepit-acts-as-taggable-onActs As Taggable On provides the ability to have multiple tag contexts on a single mode...
147,4643,328vkponchikAPI client for VK Ponchik (Keksik) donations service.
147,4643,328godfat-source-toolsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,4643,328jgm-ecstaticEcstatic is a framework for maintaining a static website from templates and data in YAM...
147,4643,328mojolingo-vagrant-librarian-puppetA Vagrant plugin to install Puppet modules using Librarian-Puppet.
147,4803,327spider_botSpider bot framework