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Most downloads over all time
147401-147420 of all 180,671 gems.
147,3923,341hola-gideonA simple hello world gem
147,3923,341kenoA Ruby gem to generate Keno winning numbers.
147,3923,341kastner-dvd_fingerprintDisc (DVD) fingerprinting for
147,3923,341type-scriptRuby TypeScript is a bridge to the JS TypeScript transpiler.
147,3923,341madx-mtestMTest is a microframework for testing your Ruby programs. It is inspired from Paul Barr...
147,3923,341rails-queue-itThis gem allows you to queue objects through a simple to use interface.
147,3923,341mmthumbDefine pre-, post- and a number of output operations and let MMThumb do the work. Will ...
147,3923,341undees-baconBacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all ...
147,3923,341sluggable_vanrailsThis gem allows the generation of url slugs
147,3923,341recurlsave the request with curl command ( rack middleware )
147,3923,341cruftySelf-destruct your crufty code to ensure it doesn't become permanent.
147,3923,341ffakerTWFfakerTW 建立繁體中文假資料
147,3923,341lisa-reveReve is a Ruby library to interface with the Eve Online API
147,3923,341sementecódigo boilerplate
147,3923,341my_string_extend_tsjThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
147,3923,341joshnabbott-active-record-versionableMakes version controlling ActiveRecord model data easy and powerful.
147,3923,341drnic-railsRails is a framework for building web-application using CGI, FCGI, mod_ruby, or WEBrick...
147,3923,341tapajos-braidA simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.
147,3923,341voteable_raygunsixAdds voting functionality