Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148061-148080 of all 180,709 gems.
148,0393,325rubytest-summaryThis is a report format plugin for Rubytest.
148,0633,324swiftcore-tasksThis is a very simple task list library that I use in a bunch of other places.
148,0633,324josecosta-odf-reportGenerates ODF files, given a template (.odt) and data, replacing tags
148,0633,324maiha-scoped_accessThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
148,0633,324mislav-ticgitA distributed ticketing system for Git projects.
148,0633,324set-up-developmentStreamline dependency installation for projects.
148,0633,324math_liblib to calc algebraic expressions,equation and more
148,0633,324serverspec-clcRSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef or anything else
148,0633,324purlocationExample: BRNG => Beering Hall
148,0633,324db_automateAn easy way to automate database queries and export the results with Ruby.
148,0633,324monkeyhelper-dbpedialookupA ruby interface to
148,0633,324melo-chitChit is A command line tool for cheat sheet utility based on git.
148,0633,324r6apiClient for the Rainbow 6: Siege limited API
148,0633,324imageomaticEasiest way to generate fresh images for Rails applications.
148,0633,324mattetti-hoptoad_notifierRails plugin that reports exceptions to Hoptoad.
148,0633,324kellyfelkins-clearanceSimple, complete Rails authentication scheme.
148,0633,324giter8giter8 implements giter8 rendering mechanisms
148,0633,324spanx-clientAPI Client for connecting to spanx.
148,0633,324intinno-nifty-generatorsA collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.