Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148101-148120 of all 180,554 gems.
148,0703,310masover-net-irca ruby implementation of the IRC client protocol
148,0703,310rubocop-configuration_cleaner.rubocop.yml cleaner
148,0703,310reconcilerReconciliation API Framework
148,0703,310mame-rirbrirb (remote irb) allows you to attach a running ruby process and to observe/modify glo...
148,1053,309llt-xml_handlerLeightweigth transformations of XML Documents
148,1053,309Stands4A Ruby gem for accessing Stands4 API
148,1053,309tiny_thriftRuby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
148,1053,309simplecov-idobatareport your test coverage to
148,1053,309logansama-flexible_objectA pure Ruby and extremely flexible re-implementation of the OpenStruct class that allo...
148,1053,309vestorly_apiThe Vestorly API provides the ability for external developers...
148,1053,309scrolld.js-railsScrolld.js JS for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
148,1053,309sluggable_jeffA sample slugging gem.
148,1053,309rack-mpHelps analyse memory usage in your Rack apps
148,1053,309madx-metashA Hash that allows method calls to get and set values
148,1053,309voteable_getThe best voting gem Ive made.
148,1053,309haversine_formulaGem for calculating the distance between 2 GPS coords
148,1053,309nicksieger-multipart-postUse with Net::HTTP to do multipart form posts. IO values that have #content_type, #ori...
148,1053,309listen-compatFor developers to have a minimal, guaranteed API for \ using Listen
148,1053,309rabbit-hatHat is a light weight distributed worker framework backed by RabbitMQ built on top of B...
148,1053,309tagcrumbs-tagcrumbsThis is a RubyGem that provides an ActiveRecord-like interface to the