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148141-148160 of all 182,301 gems.
148,1413,414read_onlyThe main advantage of using this gem is made encrpyted read only fields. Beaware of Rep...
148,1413,414botwayrbRuby client package for Botway.
148,1413,414sluggable_durrellA nice slugging gem yay!
148,1413,414to_sepWhen you make search in website or document, Korean charactor should be separated. to_s...
148,1413,414pramodA simple hello world gem
148,1413,414kutaNeed to say more.
148,1413,414kron4eg-wikiclothAn implementation of the mediawiki markup in ruby
148,1413,414ktec-commanderThe complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
148,1413,414lattes_apiLattes API client for Ruby.
148,1413,414mallow-themeMallow is a simple one-pager theme that puts emphesis on simplicty and speed.
148,1413,414skinny_scaffoldSkinny scaffolds for Rails 4
148,1413,414rowerIn progress
148,1413,414mpokrywka-rvideoInspect and transcode video and audio files.
148,1413,414neural_networksNeuronal Networks algoritms
148,1413,414lucasefe-multi_helperGroup of custim helpers for rails.
148,1413,414nokogiri-notepadGem for extracting info from xml files according to paths defined in Notepad++
148,1413,414sequel-loggerThis gem makes it dead easy to debug Sequel by logging its SQL queries.
148,1413,414lenary-ginatraHost your own git repository browser through the power of Sinatra and Grit
148,1413,414kinda-kinda-testWhat to say?
148,1413,414card-mod-airbrakea card mod to send error messages to airbrake