Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148201-148220 of all 180,448 gems.
148,1693,297mroch-ical_builderAn iCalendar generator in Ruby, modelled after Jim Weirich's Builder
148,1693,297jruby-memcached-thoughtworksjruby memcacached client which is compatible with memcached gem
148,1693,297tehcurtis-RobotoA simple robots.txt parser and wrapper method for open-uri's open that respects robot.t...
148,1693,297mtg_search_parserA ruby implementation of a MTG search string parser.
148,1693,297rkmotionA skeleton non-functioning placeholder W.I.P. RubyMotion wrapper for RestKit the Object...
148,1693,297avalon-mmRouter-railshis gem provides javascript framework Avalon mmRouter for your Rails 3+ application.
148,1693,297rubocop-configuration_cleaner.rubocop.yml cleaner
148,1693,297voteable_benan awesome gem!
148,1693,297jeffrafter-clearanceSimple, complete Rails authentication scheme.
148,1693,297PerfectlyNormal-mysql-rubyThis is the MySQL API module for Ruby. It provides the same functions for Ruby programs...
148,1693,297thjalfiThhjalfi is skeleton generator of CLI gem use Thor.
148,1693,297tomafro-penknifeAll purpose toolkit for rails
148,2133,296contracto-rspecContracto for RSpec
148,2133,296simple-ormA simple ORM. By default it stores to Redis hashes.
148,2133,296active_triples-solrizeractive_triples-solrizer provides a default solr indexing implementation for ActiveTriples.
148,2133,296lonbaker-tmailTMail is a Ruby-based mail handler. It allows you to compose stadards compliant emails ...
148,2133,296mmurphy-mmurphy-webratWebrat. Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
148,2133,296spring-commands-hutchrspec command for spring
148,2133,296tpitale-net-simpleSimple wrapper for net/ssh and net/scp
148,2133,296r6apiClient for the Rainbow 6: Siege limited API