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Most downloads over all time
148421-148440 of all 180,488 gems.
148,4183,294omniauth-weixin-oauth2OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Wexin.
148,4183,294proxy_finderGive proxy_finder a list of proxy servers and it will tell which ones are active.
148,4183,294theworkinggroup-date_flagThis is a date flag method for ActiveRecord models.
148,4183,294swagger2mdConvert swagger.json to markdown file
148,4183,294tundal45-string_extendstring_extend adds useful features to the String class
148,4183,294sf_coffeeLists information for Starbucks, Peet's, and Philz, including name address, and phone n...
148,4183,294ruboty-chatwork_webhookAn ruboty adapter for Chatwork webhook.
148,4183,294tinkerTinker is a prototype for realtime games
148,4183,294saxondaleETags for ActiveFedora datastreams.
148,4183,294minofare-g_fieldhighlighterA Guilded ( component that highlights form ...
148,4183,294partydrone-rt_capistranoUse native capistrano tasks with Media Temple (gs) accounts.
148,4183,294knockout_forms-railsProvides a Rails form builder to seamlessly setup a Knockout-js based view model on you...
148,4183,294macros-garbGoogle Analytics API Ruby Wrapper
148,4183,294jqr-has_one_autocreateAutomatic creation and building for has_one relationships.
148,4183,294logaan-HAMwiki200 lines of code, to manage all your documents in a microsecond, or your money back.
148,4183,294reliefweb-apiInteractive API documentation for the data API of ReliefWeb is a leading...
148,4183,294codebreaker_snCodebreaker game
148,4183,294skywalkThis gem install necessary environment for specific developments.
148,4183,294inventables-activetigerActiveTiger allows you to simply add payment processing to your application using Tiger...
148,4183,294ao_phone_numberao_phone_number é uma Ruby gem para validar números e operadoras móveis de Angola.