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Most downloads over all time
148441-148460 of all 180,488 gems.
148,4183,294mattyoho-shoulda_generatorGenerators which create tests using shoulda
148,4183,294metade-link_toadLinkToad is a general purpose equivalency engine that uses hyperlinks.
148,4183,294how_i_start-bootsBaby's first gem.
148,4183,294netshade-facebooker== DESCRIPTION: Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[] {R...
148,4183,294roman-merb_cucumberCucumber integration for Merb
148,4183,294taxweb-frontendBase de front-end para todas as aplicações da TaxWeb
148,4473,293rubysouth-rack_localeBetter i18n for your Rack apps. Uses the same translation backend as Rails.
148,4473,293scopedA rigid, readable alternative for defining AR scopes.
148,4473,293jmazzi-turlGenerate a tinyurl from the command line.
148,4473,293mattly-hpreserveA humane, eval-safe HTML templating system expressed in HTML
148,4473,293mattpuchlerz-jspecJavaScript BDD Testing Framework
148,4473,293spatial_hashSimple implementation of a Spatial Hash.
148,4473,293twilson63-sinatra-squirrelPort of Thought Bot Squirrel to Sinatra
148,4473,293maiha-habtoThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
148,4473,293logblocksimple ruby tool for identify sketchy nginx requests
148,4473,293bringhurstInfer your methods' types and generate signatures.
148,4473,293rails-open-apiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
148,4473,293technomancy-rackRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications ...
148,4473,293howardUnofficial client library for the Chicago Transit Authority's Train Tracker API
148,4473,293jekyll-theme-leafMinimal yet beautiful Jekyll theme for dark background lovers.