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148481-148500 of all 180,434 gems.
148,4793,285metade-renaRena is a Ruby library for manipulating RDF files.
148,4793,285myobie-merb_queueA persistent queue across multiple merb processes
148,4793,285rl_hiya_tingThis library is for excercise for creating my own gem.
148,4793,285jsanti-fuzzy_file_finderan implementation of TextMate's cmd-T search functionality
148,4793,285ghissuesAuto issue registration program for Github.
148,4793,285swagger2mdConvert swagger.json to markdown file
148,4793,285jcrosby-rack-configShared configuration for cooperative middleware.
148,4793,285joshaven-filemonitorCalls a Proc when a watched file is changed.
148,4793,285maiha-habtoThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
148,4793,285multiplay-factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...
148,4793,285rails_admin_spatial_fieldAllows Rails Admin to work with PostGIS spatial field type.
148,4793,285pluginaweek-tiny_mce_helperAdds helper methods for creating the TinyMCE initialization script in Rails
148,4793,285logblocksimple ruby tool for identify sketchy nginx requests
148,4793,285mame-threadfiberThreadFiber is an implementation of fiber using threads.
148,4793,285ministrycentered-twitterwrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)
148,4793,285mwmitchell-solr-rubysolr-ruby is a Ruby gem for working with Apache Solr
148,4793,285cchookcreate easy hook script
148,4793,285mustermann-strscanImplements a version of Ruby's StringScanner that works with Mustermann patterns
148,4793,285jferris-rrRR (Double Ruby) is a double framework that features a rich selection of double techniq...
148,4793,285git_version_headerAdds an X-Version header with the current Git SHA commit