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148901-148920 of all 181,049 gems.
148,8903,331rack-file-watcherRack middleware to handle events on file modifications
148,8903,331poromPure Old Ruby Object Model - tool to decouple application from data storage and present...
148,8903,331tundal45-string_extendstring_extend adds useful features to the String class
148,8903,331light_markuzA template language that exported to HTML and PDF
148,8903,331nakajima-screw-driverRun your Screw.Unit specs from the command line.
148,8903,331mathfJust when you thought you could ruin someones day by requiring mathn. Try mathf and put...
148,8903,331active_admin_mailManage your ActionMailer mail templates from ActiveAdmin, and log them.
148,8903,331pluginaweek-tiny_mce_helperAdds helper methods for creating the TinyMCE initialization script in Rails
148,8903,331pass_attemptPassAttempt run a block depending on a custom proc.
148,8903,331midtermsRuns multiple test suites, collecting and reporting back an aggregate result. Useful fo...
148,8903,331ssoroka-app_settingsSimple wrapper for YAML config files for Rails apps and gems
148,8903,331hash_extract_pairsextract key-value pairs of hash by specifying keys
148,8903,331openssl-pkey-ec-iesIES implementation following ECIES-KEM specification in ISO 18033-2
148,8903,331fastlane-plugin-ios_readme_generateCreate readme for ios projects
148,8903,331hash_as_hidden_fieldsExtracted hash helper code from KipuRecords.
148,8903,331vcloud-disk_launcherTool to launch and configure vCloud Independent Disks. Uses vcloud-core.
148,8903,331mattly-hpreserveA humane, eval-safe HTML templating system expressed in HTML
148,8903,331myobie-merb_queueA persistent queue across multiple merb processes
148,8903,331pcurtailCurtails a string that is supposed to have many words to max size specified while does ...