Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149321-149340 of all 180,518 gems.
149,3073,269auslanderIts a really cool gem
149,3073,269tobias-codexSimple tool for creating source-code intensive presentations and courses
149,3073,269yamsYet Another Mail System - beautiful email.
149,3073,269rus_typografThis typographer is able to work with strings and typography text according to specifie...
149,3073,269scottburton11-rvideoRVideo allows you to inspect and process video files.
149,3073,269theoooo-fleakrA small, yet powerful, gem to interface with Flickr photostreams
149,3073,269trello-weekly-velocityCalculates weekly velocity from trello boards
149,3073,269maiha-migration2This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
149,3073,269dvla-dataverse-helperThis gem helps you integrate Microsoft Dataverse Web API to your ruby project
149,3073,269topfunky-castanautAutomate your screencasts.
149,3073,269newbamboo-modmonkey_clientClient gem for modmonkey
149,3073,269clx_apiRuby Gem for CLX Networks API.
149,3073,269jnicklas-lilliputSuper simple blogging engine
149,3073,269circuit-hiatusWrite a longer description or delete this line.
149,3073,269mathmasSymblic Mathmatics library inspired by SymPy and dxdy
149,3073,269phurley-jrailsjRails is a drop-in jQuery replacement for Prototype/ on Rails. Using jR...
149,3073,269ninjudd-deferrableSimple mechanism for deferred execution of a block
149,3073,269streamableAllows streaming of data througs a set of functions in order to simulate Clojure's and ...
149,3393,268tomtaylor-viapostA Ruby library that wraps the Viapost SOAP API, providing an easy way of sending post (...