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Most downloads over all time
149361-149380 of all 180,507 gems.
149,3413,267kirgudu_commonCommon models for Kirgudu.NET
149,3413,267gw2_rubyRuby wrapper for the Guild Wars 2 REST API.
149,3413,267rbclOpenCL wrapper
149,3413,267begetterBegetter creates a reference to a class constant from a string.
149,3413,267ryanb-factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...
149,3413,267jnicklas-lilliputSuper simple blogging engine
149,3413,267niessner-javascript_generator_enhancementsSome enhancements to the JavascriptGenerator in rails.
149,3413,267rockdog-passengerPassenger is an Apache module for Ruby on Rails support.
149,3413,267rsturim-paperclipFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
149,3413,267samflores-couch_surferCouchSurfer provides an ORM for CouchDB, as well as supporting association and validati...
149,3413,267pragmatic_studio_game_mfinkPragmatic Studio Game This is a game built for the Pragmatic Studio's "Intro to Ruby" c...
149,3723,266wikimedia-commonerThe missing API for obtaining metadata about Wikimedia Commons images. e.g. who to ackn...
149,3723,266timmatheson-asset_autoinclude_helperAutomatically includes javascript and css files named after the current controller
149,3723,266data_transitdata_transit relies on activerecord to generate database Models on the fly. Tt is execu...
149,3723,266square-circle-triangle-yahoo_stockFetches stock data from Yahoo Australia
149,3723,266sant0sk1-prawn-fast-pngAn extension of Prawn that improves the performance when embedding PNG images containin...
149,3723,266stouset-threadpoolParallelized, threaded enumeration, in Ruby
149,3723,266insightexchangeThis is a tiny wrapper for the REST api.
149,3723,266material-ui-railsNow at work...
149,3723,266jwt_toolkitJWT is a super-cool spec. Unfortunately, most libs focus on implementing it and not def...