Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149921-149940 of all 180,554 gems.
149,9123,252ryanwood-ruby-progressbarRuby/ProgressBar is a text progress bar library for Ruby.
149,9123,252tunefish_clientClient for the Tunefish RESTful API.
149,9123,252rbpathA lightweight library for running XPath like queries on Ruby collections and object gra...
149,9123,252rafaelgaspar-sexyprotocolAn Event-Driven Network Framework for Rapid Network Client and Server Protocol Developm...
149,9123,252sass-switcherooRewrite import paths, define automatic co-imports before or after other imports.
149,9123,252openfeature-ruby-sdk-contribProviders and Hooks for the OpenFeature Ruby SDK
149,9123,252ewigkeksEwigkeks is a library for integrating the evercookie JavaScript library into your Rails...
149,9123,252embulk-filter-oracle_lookupOracle Lookup
149,9123,252publish_subscribeSimple Publish/Subscribe for ruby objects
149,9123,252qoobaa-lollol is a simple lolcode interpreter using Racc and StringScanner
149,9123,252stocktasticStocktastic fetches stock quotes It uses Yahoo Finance as a source by default.
149,9123,252deliveree_sdkWith Deliveree SDK, developers can integrate our on-demand local delivery platform into...
149,9333,251samlown-moneyThis library aids one in handling money and different currencies.
149,9333,251kitchen_measuresA simple value object for kitchen measures
149,9333,251mfilej-httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
149,9333,251rotuka-shoulda-gemThe Shoulda Rails plugin makes it easy to write elegant, understandable, and maintainab...
149,9333,251peterpunk-paperclipFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
149,9333,251opscode-mixlib-cliA simple mixin for CLI interfaces, including option parsing
149,9333,251collis-host_simulatorUL / Collis Brand Test Tool Host Simulation Module bindings
149,9333,251oleganza-emrpcEfficient RPC library with evented and blocking APIs. In all ways better than DRb.