Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150021-150040 of all 180,488 gems.
150,0213,241marketwatchAPI for Marketwatch
150,0213,241testverifyA gem to explain how to make gems
150,0213,241wliconfigwliconfig is tiny utility that change connect wireless lan network by scraping configur...
150,0213,241vagrant-masonryUse YAML configuration files to declaratively specify Vagrant configuration.
150,0213,241view_tool_rendererVisitors will see a copyright logo, current year, custom name and custom message.
150,0213,241phusler-rb_terminalA simple wrapper to create several terminal tabs on OSX and run commands on them
150,0213,241rsinger-curiesCuries implements the CURIE syntax for expressing Compact URIs. See
150,0213,241sentiment-allsentiment-al is Sentiment Analysis Service that allow the analysis of text throught SEN...
150,0213,241duedil-clientThe duedil client provides a simple Ruby interface to the Duedil API.
150,0213,241skinandbones-rack-gridfsRack middleware for creating HTTP endpoints for files stored in MongoDB's GridFS
150,0213,241rsanheim-ec2onrailsClient-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and deploying to EC2 on Rails se...
150,0213,241brangor_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
150,0213,241env_vars_validatorGreps all Ruby files below the given starting_dir for usage of the ENV hash to ensure t...
150,0213,241webloginweblogin helper
150,0213,241rangProvides a suite of generators and adjustments that make Rails ...
150,0213,241nerd_flirtWhere sudo finds love.
150,0213,241mikedamage-gistrCommand line client for Github Gists, built for Mac OS X.
150,0213,241language_mixerLanguageMixer is a language anonymiser to allow users to disguise their native language
150,0213,241airavataThe Apache Airavata Ruby SDK for third party clients to integrate with Airavata middleware