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150101-150120 of all 180,488 gems.
150,0983,238file_permissionsFilePermissions is a Ruby library providing an object representation of the file permis...
150,0983,238sparkle-pack-aws-amisSparklePack to provide mappings for Official Amazon and Ubuntu AMIs by region
150,0983,238sluggable_cullenAllows for creating URL slugs.
150,0983,238scottbarr-sms_xchangeRuby client for the service.
150,0983,238signalcloudAccess the SignalCloud API to manage tickets.
150,0983,238snWrite a longer description. Optional.
150,0983,238testecarlosWrite a longer description. Optional.
150,0983,238voteablle_jiaqifor convinience
150,0983,238qabotTHIS GEM IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT STAGE. Find documentation here:
150,0983,238sirestasiRESTa is a DSL for declarative REST APIs. It can generate a ruby API (w/ sinatra) an...
150,0983,238date_time_step_withFilter dates collection using cron pattern.
150,0983,238example_fdhbiopcnmeocbr_gem_miscAudit Log API Ruby Gem
150,0983,238pietern-bdocBdoc is a simple replacement for gem server.
150,0983,238robaman-hellogemhellogem is a gem that outputs Hello world.
150,0983,238advent_of_code_cliA CLI tool to scaffold and run Advent of Code solutions.
150,1173,237acmesmith-http-pathAcmeSmith ChallengeResponders plugin for validating with letsencrypt by http-01 on a lo...
150,1173,237end_of_lifeSearches your GitHub repositores and lists the ones using end-of-life, i.e. unmaintaine...
150,1173,237activity_providerActivity Provider for store data of education in LRS (Learning Record Store) based on x...
150,1173,237zxygemmA simple hello world gem