Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150941-150960 of all 180,543 gems.
150,9243,210database-tasksRake tasks for Sequel ORM including dropping, creating and migrating
150,9243,210rstackoverflowRuby toolkit to Stackoverflow API by html parsing.
150,9243,210scudco-scudco-spec_uiRun RSpec with UI testing tools
150,9243,210simple_gsxA Ruby library for communicating with Apple's GSX restful API
150,9243,210raggi-sized_header_protocolA simple chainable implementation of a basic sized header protocol. The 'protocol' doe...
150,9243,210slillibri-acts-as-taggable-onActs As Taggable On provides the ability to have multiple tag contexts on a single mode...
150,9243,210pluginaweek-encrypted_stringsDead-simple string encryption/decryption syntax
150,9243,210sluggable_bnThe best slugging gem ever.
150,9243,210wheelhouse-bannersAllows advertising banners to be added to a Wheelhouse CMS site.
150,9503,209nasdaq_scheduleRuby gem extension for ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone. Responsible for giving detailed inf...
150,9503,209natron_test_gemTest gem
150,9503,209project_setupJack's new Rails project setup
150,9503,209bootstrap_ajax_typeaheadTo gemify bootstrap-ajax-typeahead for assets pipleline.
150,9503,209ratnikov-active_record_base_without_tableAllows to use ActiveRecord::Base functionality without database table
150,9503,209votifier-rubyImplementation of the Votifier protocol in Ruby
150,9503,209simple_open_weather_mapA simple ruby language library for the OpenWeatherMap API.
150,9503,209configuarA simple hello world gem
150,9503,209shenie-slideshareRuby interface for SlideShare API
150,9503,209wordwrapperReturn the string broken up by newlines, so that each lines is no longer than the max l...
150,9503,209hola_ronA simple hello world gem