Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150861-150880 of all 180,518 gems.
150,8513,211prepor-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
150,8513,211scotch-view_fuViewFu is a Rails plugin that provides all the miscellaneous View tasks. It's a combina...
150,8513,211libhxl-rubyA simple gem to parse your HXL files
150,8513,211ruboty-aunruboty plugin for binary handler.
150,8513,211rubybriteA simple API wrapper for Eventbrite V3.
150,8513,211pxvideo_rails%q{HTML5 PxVideo plugin}
150,8513,211doorkeepr-watcherDoorkeepr Watcher Agent
150,8513,211peteonrails-threaded-collectionsA package for manipulating collections over many threads
150,8513,211mercurypayThis is a wrapper for Mercury Payments REST API
150,8513,211provideal-provideal-migration-helpersAdds foreign key support for MySQL and PostgreSQL in Rails migrations
150,8513,211rares-netflixThis gem handles some of the complexity in dealing with the netflix api (and OAuth in t...
150,8733,210esewaEsewa Integration
150,8733,210seekingalpha_threadForked from meh/ruby-thread. Fixes thread limit exception. Includes a thread pool, mess...
150,8733,210gumathGumath is library for function dispatch to XND containers.
150,8733,210seamusabshere-date-performanceAdds some semblance of performance to Ruby's core Date class.
150,8733,210jjs_hiA simple gem
150,8733,210markdown-toolsmarkdown-tools gem - markdown command line tools
150,8733,210pluginaweek-has_ratingsDemonstrates a reference implementation for handling ratings in ActiveRecord
150,8733,210lookinsideA simple gem to tell you which controller and action is rendering the page.