Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150881-150900 of all 180,518 gems.
150,8733,210remote_resourceAccess remote resources with OOP interface
150,8733,210pluginaweek-table_helperAdds a helper method for generating HTML tables from collections in Rails
150,8733,210sandofsky-ralphA pretty, simple wrapper for writing Hadoop Streaming jobs in Ruby.
150,8733,210typifyTakes a sample text and generates words based on the charictarists of that text
150,8733,210hola_jgajulaA simple hello world gem by jgajula
150,8733,210fastlane-plugin-figletWrapper around figlet which makes large ascii text words
150,8733,210FilePrependerWrite a longer description or delete this line.
150,8733,210raw_sql_builderThis gem is meant to speed up large creations or updates of objects.
150,8733,210spatten-s3libThis library forms the basis for building a library to talk to Amazon S3 using Ruby. I...
150,8733,210yetanothernguyen-shoulda-matchersMaking tests easy on the fingers and eyes. This fork makes validate_uniqueness_of match...
150,8733,210nicosaniconico search api client
150,8733,210voteable_ellery_marGotealeaf create gem lesson
150,8733,210with_default_valueThis method provides method 'with_default_value' to objects. When this method is called...
150,8943,209voteable_loc5The best voting gem ever.
150,8943,209globalipView Your Global IP address
150,8943,209paulcoyle-termsaverTermSaver is just a simple library built around the Appscript library to automate savin...
150,8943,209foggleEnvironment-based feature toggle Ruby gem
150,8943,209slillibri-acts-as-taggable-onActs As Taggable On provides the ability to have multiple tag contexts on a single mode...
150,8943,209rstackoverflowRuby toolkit to Stackoverflow API by html parsing.
150,8943,209redsnapper-mailMail Parsing lib