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152041-152060 of all 180,448 gems.
152,0303,142mangaeden_apiA Mangaeden API wrapper
152,0303,142oh_my_first_gemWrite a longer description. Optional.
152,0303,142bitshares-cityhashcityhash gem for bitshares blockchain.
152,0303,142rails_livejsUpdate any ActiveRecord value as it gets updated in the database.
152,0303,142normalizacionProvides normalization/transliteration functionality for Strings using Ruby Refinements
152,0303,142rabx-messageA RPC using Anything But XML (RABX) message parser and emitter
152,0303,142ruby-stream-apiStream API for Ruby, inspired by Java 8's Stream API
152,0303,142sktestgemSimple gem just to test out the process
152,0303,142voteable_bryanThe best voting gem ever.
152,0303,142urchinThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
152,0303,142sluggable_kevinThe useful slugging gem ever.
152,0523,141ext_checkExtCheck provides rails task for checking for C extensions
152,0523,141first_gem_of_thiThis is very simple gem, just say hi to world.
152,0523,141rspec-ohmRSpec matchers for Ohm
152,0523,141fantasyhubBusiness logic for #peepcode's challenge, the fantasy league of githubbers
152,0523,141twitter-botTwitter autoreply bot
152,0523,141alert-messages-for-hanamiHelper to add alert messages (including flash .. aah! messages) to an Hanami application.
152,0523,141freudA command-line tool for launching and managing daemons and associated infrastructure.
152,0523,141rubibGem qui permet la manipulation de fichier BIB
152,0523,141cloudmersive-dataintegration-api-clientEasily and directly query database backup files, convert into other file formats.