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152101-152120 of all 180,507 gems.
152,0913,145ruboty-instagramSearch image from instagram.
152,0913,145hrqHRQ allows you to write human readable queries and translate them into real SQL. WIP, t...
152,1033,144trello_dxyTrello for DXY Interface
152,1033,144orchIdeaLets cooperate
152,1033,144relational_redis_mapperActiveRecord like interface backed by the blazing fast Redis.
152,1033,144dhkeyxAn implementation of the Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol
152,1033,144kienaideProtect your record easily
152,1033,144diffitTrack changes in your tables using PostgreSQL triggers..
152,1033,144water_wheelBackup local files or directories to S3. After initial upload, only updated items will ...
152,1033,144rowkvxParses rows of Kvx plain text.
152,1033,144hola_rubyA simple hello world gem
152,1033,144biblio_gemGema que permite el almacenamiento de bibliografía.
152,1033,144prime_printerPrints prime at given position and multiplication table of primes
152,1033,144tilt-preloadLoad tilt/* files according to what classes have been defined.
152,1153,143wedgeioComponents for the Browser and Server
152,1153,143pantaloon-cliBuild Jenkins Compatible XML Config files for projects represented in pantaloon build f...
152,1153,143gpr-selectGpr plugin to select a repository using the interactive interface
152,1153,143ghstatsFetching GitHub stats
152,1153,143jquery-onoff-railsRails wrapper for the jQuery OnOff plugin
152,1153,143spageRuby client for making requests the API