Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152201-152220 of all 180,709 gems.
152,1833,161inverse_attrMacro to add inverted attributes to Ruby objects
152,1833,161MathsquestionsDisplays random questions
152,1833,161rails-pinterestPinterest API + Ruby!
152,1833,161normalizacionProvides normalization/transliteration functionality for Strings using Ruby Refinements
152,1833,161forte-paymentsA Ruby wrapper for the Forte Payment REST API
152,1833,161calc_abedoy19An calculator implementation on ruby
152,1833,161getxit helps you easily get feature image from a url of article
152,2083,160damnx509Easy interactive CLI for managing a small X.509 (TLS) Certificate Authority
152,2083,160oh_my_first_gemWrite a longer description. Optional.
152,2083,160integer_to_englishThe Integer class is pimped up with the to_english method.
152,2083,160ruby-web-crawlerA simple ruby gem to recursively traverse all URLs on a Root URL. It returns all the UR...
152,2083,160trello_slurperSlurps stories from the given file (stories.slurper by default) and creates Trello card...
152,2083,160kylekthompson-shoppeA full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.
152,2083,160modownDownload 3D models.
152,2083,160dipsclientThe Ruby client for the DiPS service(Distributed Publish Subscribe).
152,2083,160isis-plugin-clientsfromhellIsis plugin: Clients From Hell
152,2083,160mangaeden_apiA Mangaeden API wrapper
152,2083,160yochiyochirb_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
152,2083,160ironsXML to Hash translator
152,2083,160fantasyhubBusiness logic for #peepcode's challenge, the fantasy league of githubbers